Trigger Point Therapy Kit w/ Book & DVD
Ultimate 6 Trigger Point Therapy Kit
This unique kit of tools is designed for treating and maintaining 6 of the most common painful trigger points. Called the Ultimate 6 Kit, it includes specialized rollers and an advanced methodology for treatment of painful trigger points and myofacial release.
The kit includes the TP Massage Ball, TP Footballer and TP Quadballer. It also includes our Ultimate 6 Guidebook as well as the Brand New Ultimate 6 DVD.
The included DVD details the advanced treatment methodology developed by Twist Conditioning and includes a How-To section lead by Founder and Creator of the Trigger Point tools, Cassidy Phillips. With the product's patented design mirroring the feeling of a human hand, you are able to massage almost any part of the body safely and effectively on your own.
For use in clinic, or patients can purchase for daily home use.